Taoist Chinese Medicine
Practiced for over 1700 years, Fengyang traditional Chinese medicine was developed by Dong Feng (220-280 AD). As practitioners today, we follow the same high standards of holistic healing techniques focused on the patient.
Christine Wilson
My Story:
I am a licensed massage therapist and certified Fengyang Tui Na practitioner and certified Fengyang Qigong instructor. I have worked in spas and chiropractors’ offices since 1993 before I started my own practice. I take continuing education courses on a regular basis and have been studying with Dr. Ming Wu since 2014.
I met Dr. Wu for a treatment in 2014. I asked him about a problem I had with varicose veins. Prior to that I had many treatments and surgeries to get rid of them. He did Gua Sha on them. He told me to do it myself for 30 days and they would be gone. I had my doubts but decided to give it a shot because nothing else worked. I was so excited that it really worked! Also when I met Ming, I knew it was a life changing experience for me, because of his wealth of knowledge on healing. That was the beginning of me wanting to dive into traditional Chinese medicine. Now I can help my clients on a whole new level!
Watch my video on how to use Gua Sha to treat varicose veins
My Credentials:
Graduate of the Reese Institute School of Massage Therapy, 1993
Certified Fengyang Tui Na practitioner
Certified Fengyang Qi Gong Instructor
Certified Tong Ren, Quantum Energy practitioner
Licensed Therapist - MA License Number: 9296
American Massage Therapy Association member
Tui Na Certificate
Qi Gong Instructor Certificate
Tong Ren and Quantum Energy Certificate
Advanced Tui Na Practitioner Certificate
Chao Zhou Gong Fu Tea Practitioner Certification
Services I offer
Fengyang Tui Na
Tui Na (pronounced “twee nah”) is a very important aspect of Fengyang Chinese Medicine. Tui Na is a hands-on massage therapy technique that works into the bioelectric system of the body, which is the energy system of the body. Chinese medicine believes that when the energy is correct, there can be no problem in the body.
Fengyang Qi Gong
Fengyang Qi Gong was developed by Dr. Ming Wu, based on his 40 years of experience practicing Qi Gong and Tai Chi. It is an easy-to-learn exercise method and practice routine that is more suitable for the purpose of improving one’s health and wellness, and spiritual alignment of the body and mind.
Fengyang Qi Gong combines the essence of traditional Yang style Tai Chi, Fengyang Internal Practice (内功) and Taoist philosophy, such as Chuang Tzu's teachings.
Classes are held at 1409 Main St, Palmer, MA 01069 from 6PM - 7PM. $8 for 1hour, Drop ins and new students welcome. Call (413) 426-1317 for more information.
Therapeutic Massage
Mix and match to your needs
Tui Na
Tong Ren
Hot Stones
Energy tuners
Access consciousness BARS
Young Living distributor
And more
A therapeutic technique based on the theory that our entire body—including organs, glands, and body parts—has reflex points located in our feet. The intention is to loosen blockages and rebalance the body… and it feels great!
Indulge yourself with a creative series. Begin with 20 minutes of cupping on your back, neck, and shoulders—followed by face lifting and draining. Finish with reflexology. A whole new you in one 90-minute rejuvenating experience!
Tong Ren Healing
Developed by Tom Tam, Tong Ren is a form of energy therapy for restoring health and vitality. Tong Ren is based on a belief that disease is related to interruptions, or blockages, in the body’s natural flow of chi, neural bioelectricity, blood, or hormones. Tong Ren seeks to remove these blockages, restoring the body’s natural ability to heal itself, even when illnesses are chronic, debilitating, or otherwise untreatable.
Long Distance Herbal Consultation
If you can’t come for an in person appointment, that is no problem. I can help you remotely. Using the Fengyang TCM knowledge, we can accurately diagnose any imbalances or conditions that are present in your body, can prescribe an herbal formula that is custom made for you.
Fengyang TCM
About My Teacher:
Ming Wu, Ph.D is a doctor of Chinese Medicine and a 20th generation practitioner of Fengyang Taoist Chinese Medicine